Thinking About Using Your 401(k) To Buy a Home?

Are you dreaming of buying your own home and wondering about how you’ll save for a down payment? You’re not alone. Some people think about tapping into their 401(k) savings to make it happen. But before you decide to dip into your retirement to buy a home, be sure to consider all possible alternatives and …

Homeowner Net Worth Has Skyrocketed

If you’re weighing your options to decide whether it makes more sense to rent or buy a home today, here’s one key data point that could help you feel more confident in making your decision. Every three years, the Federal Reserve Board releases the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF). That report covers the difference in …

The Benefits of Buying a Multi-Generational Home [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights If you’re ready to buy a home but are having a hard time affording it on your own, or, if you have aging loved ones you need to care for, you might want to consider a multi-generational home. Living with siblings, parents, and even grandparents can help you save money, give or receive …

Don’t Believe Everything You Read About Home Prices

According to the latest data from Fannie Mae, 23% of Americans still think home prices will go down over the next twelve months. But why do roughly 1 in 4 people feel that way? It has a lot to do with all the negative talk about home prices over the past year. Since late 2022, …

A Real Estate Agent Helps Take the Fear Out of the Market

Do negative headlines and talk on social media have you feeling worried about the housing market? Maybe you’ve even seen or heard something lately that scares you and makes you wonder if you should still buy or sell a home right now. Regrettably, when news in the media isn’t easy to understand, it can make …